
Biking Begins

Yesterday I met everyone in my biking group that is going to ride from Vienna, Austria to Piran, Slovenia. There is a friendly guy from San Francisco who reminds me of the boss from Office Space if he did a lot of drugs. Also there is computer-oriented guy who checks his watch every minute or so and says things that he thinks are hilarious such as, "That depends on if the UK is considered part of Europe." I have not laughed at that joke yet even though he has said it three times.

We started off the trip with a night 30 mile day to get used to everything. Then today they decided to shred our hineys by giving us a 49 mile ride through hilly terrain and cold rain. My quads feel pulverized and it's nice to be sitting down on something that isn't wedged between my blistering cheeks.

I'm nervous about the rest of the trip because everyone is in much better condition than I am and doesn't seem to be intimidated after this day of gladitorial efforts. I'm going to limp to bed...

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