The original intent of this blog was to highlight things I do related to comedy. Getting back to the roots, Dirty South Improv Festival went on this entire week. Improv teams from all over the country came and performed. Some of them were amazing - Upright Citizen's Brigade and The Reckoning come to mind - and some of them were utter garbage.
I went to shows Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night, and I laughed to the point of tears several times, especially at UCB's stellar show on Friday night.
Saturday afternoon, we had workshops with some great improvisers. My instructors included Charlie Todd (UCB) who taught "The Game" and Dan Winckler who instructed how to use video cameras in a differnent kind of improv techinque.
Also, we had a show on Saturday night and after which, I pouted to the point of tears. We had a decent performance - started out great but steadily dropped off. Bleh.
The festival was an enormous success, and the after party was craaaazy. I think the after party deserves an entire entry to itself. But I'm sure anyone who is still reading this entry is probably bored to the point of tears.
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